Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting
Dark Fantasy is a subgenre of Fantasy literature. Its stories are set in more frightening settings and themes, combining elements of horror, violence and death, with the traditional characteristics of the main book genre.  
The stories take place in fictional worlds, many times inspired by the darkest eras of ancient history. Consequently, the unfolding of the plot often has a pessimistic or fateful outcome. They address themes of struggles between good and evil, battles for power or territory, but also more controversial and disturbing topics of human existence.
They usually include supernatural characters and imaginary creatures, or those inspired by mythology, whether classical or from Nordic European peoples (Vikings, Celts).
These books are generally aimed at a mature audience, who prefer stories with a lot of action, but who are also not easily impressed by the brutal unfolding of events.
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout 
that will appeal to your potential readers.
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