Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting
Juvenile Fantasy is a subgenre of Fantasy literature. They have in common stories that are characterized by taking place in fictional worlds, as well as the existence of creatures and phenomena that do not exist in the real world.
Its protagonists are usually children or teenagers who are given a fundamental role in the unfolding of the story, sometimes through superhuman powers, magic or unique abilities.
The plots have a strong moral sense and teach values ​​such as friendship, loyalty and companionship, facing strong and powerful forces. The struggle between good and evil, or what is right or wrong, is in most cases the essence of the story.
Many characters who participate in these adventures have origins in nature (taking on human characteristics) or are mythological creatures (fairies, goblins, elves, giants). Likewise, the structure of the fictional worlds is often inspired by ancient kingdoms and medieval settings. 
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout 
that will appeal to your potential readers.
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