Murphy's Law Series
AUTHOR: Michelle St. James
BOOK 1: Murphy's Law
BOOK 2: Murphy's Wrath
BOOK 3: Murphy's Love
PROJECT: Book Cover Design (Paperback•eBook)
The cover design for the first book set the tone to the rest of the series, which main character is a vigilante-for-hire who runs a high-end mercenary organization, headquartered in Boston.
The author requested a slightly different approach, in relation to what had already been done on previous books, as long as it would fit her already very well-known brand.
When I made the research of the publishing design trends within this genre I noticed that, whenever there's a cover with an image in a big scale, it stands out from the others in an incredible way, especially when they have a face looking at the viewer.
I immediately remembered how the eyes of the models (and a particular gaze) is one of the details that identify so many of this author’s books — the direct look at the reader, that catches the attention and also seduces, is almost her trademark.
Although the designs for books 2 and 3 followed the same color scheme, in order to keep a consistency in all the series, the imagery revolved more around the action of the story instead of the character itself.