Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting

Non fiction books in the Music genre can have different characteristics and objectives, which influence their structure, the elements they include and even their format.
Some have a pedagogical role, whether related to specific musical instruments and styles, or in learning how to write and compose music. In this case, they may resemble workbooks or academic publications and even include collections of musical excerpts.
Books in this genre can also cover the types of music throughout the ages, their history and origins, as well as the lives and careers of composers and performers of the past. In this version, they take on a more historical and biographical role.
Another option often portrays the contemporary music industry, focusing on well-known singers, instrumentalists or musical groups. They describe not only their work, but also their performances and details of their careers. In such books, the graphic part takes a leading role, often giving them the appearance of photo albums.
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout
that will appeal to your potential readers.
Some Project Examples

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