Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting
The Self-Help non fiction genre covers a wide range of topics, including personal development, relationships, communication, or even emotional struggles. They can also address more practical themes, like finance, consumerism or how to achieve success. 
Their main focus is to guide the public in its progression, either through authors’ experiences or with direct advice and practical tasks. However, it is the reader himself who assumes the main role in choosing and following the personal transformation, using the available resources and his own motivation to reach his goals. 
There are several groups, depending on the writing style and objectives. Some are practical guides that provide a path and concrete steps for the reader to follow; others instead, have a motivational speech that encourages to act in a certain direction to achieve the desired results; and others are simply inspiring, stimulating reflection and leading the reader to think about different possibilities for their life. 
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout 
that will appeal to your potential readers.
Some Project Examples
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