Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting

Workbooks are educational publications that include questions and practical exercises for the development and learning of their readers. They can be dedicated to school-age children, teenagers or adults, depending on the themes and complexity.
The common factor is the particularity of having blank spaces or lines, so that the answers or resolution of the exercises can be written directly in the book. However, they can also include short fictional stories that fit in and support the topic at hand.
Activity books have a more playful role. They can include games, crosswords, puzzles, drawing areas, or line art illustrations to color.
Coloring books, and more specifically those aimed at adults, also have a therapeutic role. Not only they help maintain motor skills, sharp vision and concentration, but they also reduce stress and anxiety.
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout
that will appeal to your potential readers.

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