Book Cover Design • Book Interior Layout • Typesetting

The Young Adults genre, usually abbreviated to YA, is aimed at the 12 –18 age group. Consequently, the stories in this type of book follow the concerns, dreams and experiences of these ages, as well as what is expected for their adult life.
Although the construction of the plots is less complex and the narrative assumes a more informal tone than adult literature, the themes included can be quite serious and even dramatic. Sexuality, addictions, family incompatibilities, identity, religion or first romantic relationships are some of the topics that can be addressed.
The characters are usually teenagers, their friends and family, as well as other people who are present in their daily lives. Although many stories focus on friendship, mutual help and the exchange of experiences within the same age group, the interaction between them (whether positive or negative) determines the development of each story and the learning acquired by each young reader.
If your book fits these characteristics, this is the right place to request
a cover design or book interior layout
that will appeal to your potential readers.

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